home Science fiction lt;lt;lt;The Peerles
  • lt;lt;lt;The Peerles
  • author: Star-Crossed Lovers update: 2024-11-24
  • state: serialized
  • "You can fire me, but according to the law, the company needs to pay three months' salary as compensation if it unilaterally dismisses an employee," Wu Chen said. Since I'm leaving, I might as well maximize my benefits.",Over the past month, The Oracle's advertisements have been everywhere. I heard that the game's main brain isn't a product of existing civilization, but rather a creation of time itself. How the main brain came to be hasn't been released. The game was jointly developed by top global network game giants through the main brain, and it can achieve 100% realism. That means that inside the game, everything is exactly the same as in reality.,Upon arriving at the sales point and seeing the long queue, Wu Chen sighed again about the popularity of this game. The game helmet had been on sale for a month, and it was said that there were countless people lining up to buy it every day. Even now, right before the server opened, there were still so many people.。

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