A pungent smell of blood crept up, making me spit out a mouthful of fresh saliva. I felt a searing pain on my back and suddenly looked up. Fury burned in my eyes. The memories lingering in my mind told me that the original owner had just been beaten to death and sent back to the underworld. That's how I managed to cross over and take their place.,Lady Linglong and Murong Qiao both did not expect Xia Zian to be so outspoken. Linglong was enraged, her anger burning like a flame. She disregarded her own decorum and rushed down, grabbing Xia Zian's hair at the forehead, forcefully pulling his head up, and snarled: "If you refuse to agree, then you will have brought this upon yourself.",The child's heart was filled with rage, a rage mixed with deep sorrow. This wasn't something that belonged to him. It belonged to the original owner who left behind remnants in his brain and heart. One can imagine what the original owner felt before death, the only thing he couldn't let go of was his mother, Yuan Shi.。