d as though Eastern Chaoqun and Yao Shumei already knew how to deal with such attacks, as they instantly released their true energy and formed thick walls of real energy behind them to shield themselv..."This is really complicated!" Shen Xiang frowned: "I don't know if I should tell Big Brother Changhai about this. If he knows, he would definitely blame himself.容忍九天世界的強者擊敗他們?”沈翔笑道。許騰搖了搖頭:“他們雖然這麼說,但如果被擊敗的話,肯定會惱羞成怒的。”沈翔冷笑道:“我就要擊敗他們。看看他們到時候會怎麼說。他們以為九天世界的強者都死光了嗎?就敢來這裡耀武揚威!”許騰不敢說話。對於沈翔的實力,他也很難琢磨出來。但他對沈翔有一定瞭解知道沈翔不做冇有把握的事情。“進入宮殿裡麵,沈翔和許騰走下那輛大車,在那廣場的邊上已經停滿許多在城市裡麵行駛的大...
Chapter 2198: Location of Treasure